Danielle Kennedy, RDN, CDN, CLC
- Danielle Kennedy, RDN, CDN, CLC is a registered dietitian located in Long Island, NY.
- She currently practices with a virtual healthcare company providing nutrition counseling through telehealth.
Danielle Kennedy, RDN, CDN, CLC has been a dietitian since May 2017. She has worked for a variety of settings including a grant-funded program that brought local produce to preschools to increase family exposure to fresh fruits and vegetables, a WIC clinic providing nutrition counseling to women and children under 5, and a community hospital working with patients during their hospital stay. Danielle has a passion for renatal/postpartum and pediatric nutrition and she is also a certified lactation counselor. She believes that instilling healthy eating at the start of life is the best form of preventive medicine. Danielle is currently pursuing a Certification in Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) with hopes to work with women diagnoses with gestational diabetes.
Danielle enjoys spending her free time with her husband and rescue Pitbull, Maya. They enjoy hiking together and exploring new parks. Danielle’s goal is to visit all of the National Parks in the US.
- Danielle is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Nutrition degree from SUNY Stony Brook University
- Bachelor of Science in Health and Nutrition Sciences from City University of New York Brooklyn College